The SPATIAL AFFAIRS. Extended Reality Experiences project invites artists or choreographers for a residency at the three participating cultural institutions to develop prototypes for performances in physical space that interweaves body, space, technology in synergetic ways to foster collective lived experiences. It’s a two-year, joint program between the cultural institutions HEK (House of Electronic Arts) in Basel, Switzerland, MAP – Museum of Art & Photography in Bangalore, India, Tabakalera International Center for Contemporary Culture in San Sebastián, Spain, in collaboration with the technological and research partners. A substantial part of the project will be to support the creation of prototypes that will be developed in the residencies in the three cultural institutions named above. The residencies will last six weeks, between June and July 2024.
This invitation for applications is open to all physical or legal persons, who are professionally involved in the development of artistic projects in the contemporary art sector. The candidates should work in the field of visual and audiovisual arts, or choreographic, scenographic and performative productions for extended reality experiences.
The following support is provided during the residencies:
Travel and accommodation
Participation Fee and production support (Total of EUR 3’000) for six weeks
Per diems
work, common and office space in the partner institutions as well as technical resources and help from the technical team
For further information please visit:
HEK (House of Electronic Arts)
Freilager-Platz 9
CH-4142 Münchenstein / Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 331 58 40
Mail: office(at)
Deadline: April 19, 2024