RAIR has 2 residency programs: THE STANDARD RESIDENCY (a longer, more traditional studio based program. Standard residents are given access to waste materials and a studio and project space; duration: 4-6 Weeks within March- November) and THE BIGGIE SHORTIE (a shorter, project based residency. Big project in a short amount of time. The flexible nature of Biggie Shorties allow for projects to be customized to fit each residency; duration: 2-4 Weekends, March- November). Both are given access to Revolution Recovery’s waste stream as well as access to RAIR’s staff- who work closely with all residents.
Residencies are open to all emerging and mid career artists based nationally and internationally. You must be 21 years of age and older and not currently enrolled in a college or university program.
RAIR offers residents a $1000 stipend as well as free studio space, access to waste materials, and assistance from RAIR staff. Travel and housing reimbursements are available to artists outside the region. A modest project budget is made available for projects that require additional support.
For further information please visit: rairphilly.org
7333 Milnor Street
PA 19136
Mail: info@rairphilly.org
Deadline: October 22, 2023