We are heading towards a planetary catastrophe with full speed. Free markets, economic growth, and technological progress, once supposed to be rational, efficient, and emancipatory, now threaten human civilization. The Anthropocene therefore calls for new concrete visions to overcome the “pseudorationality” of the current system. By drawing on various forms of democratic planning in theory and practice, we aim to explore new avenues of value creation for social well-being that go against and beyond the capitalist concept of value as endless profit maximization. We will work along three dimensions:
how is it possible to secure and even deepen democracy under war economy?
how can social and individual freedom flourish despite the obvious necessity to strictly follow social and ecological planning?, and
what would prosperity and development mean in life after capitalism?

Practitioners in politics, business, art, media, or journalism with a commitment to the mission of THE NEW INSTITUTE, individuals with expertise in degrowth and political ecology, those working in fields of qualitative and quantitative research, e.g., with backgrounds in heterodox economics or radical philosophy are especially encouraged to apply.

Individual arrangements will be made according to the candidate’s particular situation. Financial compensation, mostly in the form of a stipend, will be sought based on the candidate’s net income. Studios are provided mostly on the premises of THE NEW INSTITUTE at the Warburg Ensemble in Hamburg. 80% subsidy for rent and utilities will be provided on top of the stipend. Depending on availability, we can offer more spacious accommodations for fellows with family members who plan to stay longer than three months.

For further information please visit: thenew.institute


Warburgstraße 8
20354 Hamburg
Mail: programs(at)thenew.institute

Deadline: November 30, 2023

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